You Deserve a Peaceful and Empowered Death

You Deserve a Peaceful and Empowered Death

Even in a culture where the default mentality is “prolong life at all costs”, you can still have a huge say in how you die, where you die, what treatments you would or wouldn’t want to receive , and how your dying process will unfold.

The trick to having agency in your final chapter is to plan for these events in advance. Deathcare workers (such as myself) can be of enormous assistance. Helping people die “a good death” is at the core of what we do. Is is the foundation of Distant Shores Deathcare.

Because here’s the thing: dying is part of YOUR life, so you should be the captain of your ship. Our medical system has some shining strengths but it is not always optimized to meet the needs of the extremely old, those with a very prolonged illness, or those with an incurable disease. Should you find yourself in any of these categories, and if you have not made your dying preferences known well in advance, the “system” stands a really strong chance at bulldozing your personal desires. Yes, it’s a systemic issue. It’s rooted in good intentions but our medical ethos of “keep alive no matter what” can result in a borderline tortuous end (ask any ICU doctor or nurse…they have stories where a patient had 0% chance of survival, but had to be kept alive in very invasive and costly ways bc family members didn’t know what to do, I guarantee it). If you don’t want to die in a hospital, full of tubes and wires, you must start talking about death to your loved ones NOW.

I can help, of course, but I also just want everyone reading this to know it is within their power to have a peaceful and empowered death. Start planning now - the best time to get this squared away is long before you need it! If the end seems nigh, though, Distant Shores Deathcare can join your support team quickly to empower you through this journey.


Preparing For Death Can Be One Of The Most Healing Acts Of A Lifetime