The Place of Death Can Be a Sacred Space

The Place of Death Can Be a Sacred Space

If death is anticipated and planned for, the entire process can truly be elevated to a beautiful, healing, sacred event.

Distant Shores Deathcare has many ways of making spaces sacred for clients (both human and pets). While it is unanimously more aesthetically pleasing if dying is taking at home even hospital or long-term care settings can become a sublime sacred space. We will confer with you to make the dying space uniquely reflective of the person or pet who is dying. Though we are experts in the field, your imagination and wishes are of paramount importance. Together we can craft a place imbued with the love and gravitas the dying space deserves.

An important side note for everyone not in Deathcare, though: a dead body (especially a recently deceased one!) is not something you need to be afraid of, or shun. You can hug, stroke, bathe, anoint, and snuggle the body of your loved one, especially if you know their cause of death. It’s not like death happens and a countdown timer starts as to when the body becomes “dangerous”. You will not hasten your own death by spending time with the body of your loved one. Spending time with the body can be very spiritual and peaceful for the living. Think deeply about whether or not this is something you’d like to do with your loved ones!

Distant Shores Deathcare can guide you on this path. Let’s discuss how to make the place of death special, together.


Caregivers! Death Can Be Unpredictable